Quote Originally Posted by Lensbrank View Post
Hello everyone,

I'm asking here if it's possible to help me on something: exporting/rendering the individual tracks from the Logic Pro 9 Demo Song "The Numbers Game" to lossless (The Appstore (download) version of Logic 9
didn't include "The Numbers Game" but "Helena Beat") via the project.

Indeed, I don't have a Mac OS and therefore, I can't use Logic Pro.

I only have the data (Audio Files, Impulse Responses, Movie Files, Sampler Instruments, Samples, The Numbers Game.logic, Ultrabeat Samples folders) from this path: \Library\Application Support\Logic\Logic Studio Demo Songs\The Numbers Game

I uploaded the folders here: https://mega.nz/file/G5VW1SYS#Ee54iL...B3rt4Qe4hiotqI

I would be very grateful if someone could do this for me, because I'm a huge fan of Thievery Corporation and it's the only way to obtain the individual tracks.

Thanks in advance!
Wrong section for this postit shouldve been posted in "general".