Unregistered, You must accept the Forum Rules below to be able to use some forum functions.
- All content must be wrote in English and in correct sections.
Requests must
only be made in the "
Requests" section. Support requests in the "
My Support Tickets" area.
- Any discrimination of gender, culture, religion or sexuality is strictly prohibited.

- Spamming is prohibited in any area of the community or private messaging.
- Only the promotion of social media or showcase profiles are permitted.
- Lite Records does not approve or support trading.
- One account per member,
all accounts
will be deleted if multiple accounts are found.

- All links in sharing sections must be wrapped in HIDE tags. (
What are HIDE tags?)
- When posting packs or archives, content details must be included in the thread and the file free from passwords.
- Double posting will be treated as spam, use the search function before posting.
- Do not share any hidden content to other members or websites.

- Do not post bridged links. Direct links or public file host links only.
* Automatic account ban may be issued without warning despite any subscriptions active.
Lite Records is a music production community and DJ network. Downloads are a privilege,
not a right!
Our resource areas uses our community credit currency - RepSystem. (
What is the RepSystem?)
Credits are earned, given and can also be purchased from our
Upgrade subscriptions. (
How can i earn credits?)
The RepSystem is only active in the resource areas, even if HIDE tags are used in other areas of the site.
Please remember to read replies before replying yourself, some external content may no longer be available. Please report expired content. Only the reporting member will be reimbursed with compensating credits.
If your thread is not labelled correctly and using the correct prefix your thread will be removed, and all credits revoked.
When requesting a file, only 1 file may be requested. Requesting groups, archives or multiple files will result in your thread being removed.