Thanks dougal for your vote of confidence in LR.

INGSOC both Craig (acapellas4all) & Steve (diyacapellas) were former members here before they went rogue. They tried to worm their way into our staff to gain access to hidden links. Fortunately, with help from the staff team, we seen their intentions before we made a silly mistake. They are in it simply for profit, although i did think Steve had more fairness to his site. Unfortunately some of our former staff were very good at 'duping' us. We have had trouble with leaking because of these people and thankfully i can say now that our staff and staff-aid teams are genuinely here to help assist with the site maintenance and have your best interest in mind.

I know we have grown a little strict in areas of LR but please try and see why. I thrive to give the best service to you as is capable and affordable. I started out as a wandering DJ looking for files to make my sets better. With a little knowledge i built this community when our predecessor closed up shop.

Im always begging members to give me their feedback and criticism so we can make this the best place it can be FOR YOU.