I did ponder on this idea for lazyrecords.co.uk (if some of you can remember that far back).

Theres been browser toolbars but i feel they have grown old, plus not many use IE anymore lol. Im gonna explain the basics of this because my mind is full of expansions that may come in the future if interested.

The point of this... its based around LiteRadio as being a local feed to listen and get info. Im hoping to add more forum features so members can see their mini-profile, incoming activity (private messages, friend requests, infractions), also forum statistics and important notices or announcements.

Please let us know if you think this would be a useful project and any extras or modifications you feel would improve its relevance.

Very rough preview made from cuts of current features:
Fullsize: http://literecords.com/topfloordjs/player.ss1.png