I wanted to find out how I could DL from the Download Vault.

So after clicking on the link found in the top left corner and being told I was "either ignorant or STUPID!"
No Permissions?
Can't Download files??
CLICK HERE to find out why!!
Here's an idea... TRY READING THE FORUM RULES (like you should have done when registering in the forum!!)


I'd already read the forum rules. I understood the principle of the rep system and think it's a good idea.

However the forum rules do not state how to earn them. The only mention is:

literecords.com enforces stricter requirements due to leeching. 5 "rep" required to view download areas.
You can of course purchase "reps" at very cheap prices, this in no way implies that we are selling you downloads. You are purchasing a fast-track method to gain longer access to the Download Vault. Click here for purchasing form.
Note: Reps are only granted/charged in the Download Vault. Replies required to unveil hidden content in other areas of the site will cost nothing (this includes all sub-forums in the Premium Lounge).
From this I understand that I need 5 "reps" to download and I can purchase "reps". I also understand that reps are given in the download section. I'm also led to believe for each download I will be charged one "rep"

After doing some searching I found this:
Quote Originally Posted by Brad
To gain reps you can either create a thread in the downloads section, be given a rep by another member or purchase them.

I believe it would be a good idea to add this information to the forum rules. It would also prevent a lot of the posts I saw in the Help Desk > Questions & Queries forum.

It's ironic that I'm being told I'm stupid or ignorant for not knowing why I can't download and then directed to the forum rules which also do not explicitly state how to earn the reps!

I'm not sure how this will be read or more importantly the tone of how it's received. I just want to state this is not in anyway me bitching or criticising. Just a friendly suggestion.