Hi, I'm RaYZoR.
I found this site through an old vbulletin link...pretty good content on this forum.
Anyways, I specialize in instrumentals, most often hip-hop and rap instrumentals.
I have so many, I have no option but to start sharing them, and so I have come here and I hope to share instrumentals.

I also kinda produce beats using FL Studio, but I am very new to it and still learning.
I'm looking forward to contributing here! When I start posting, make sure to grab what I post.

But first, I can't figure out how to download from this forum...or even better, I can't seem to access the How To Use This Section threads in the Instrumental & Acapella sections.
I'd like to start contributing asap, but at the same time I don't want to break the rules.
I'm new here, so help a brotha out.