A quick recap and update from NewAgeRipper's sister ...

A quick recap of what a miracle looks like.
1. Aug 4th. Day 1. My brother was a victim of a freak accident. A tree fell on him on his way to work. Prognosis... Not sure he'll make it. Severe frontal lobe damage. Brain bleed/ pressure, broken pelvis, broken femur, torn iris, 2 blood clots.
2. Aug. 15. Day 11. Neurologist states, "He's not going to progress much more than this. We suggest palliative care to help you with options moving forward. "
3. Aug. 15 sent message to one of his friends that we were told to consider his quality of life and let him go.
Aug. 17th. Day 13 Michael's friend came to visit and prayed fervently for him after witnessing a nurse telling us we would have 24 hours to consider hospice. Our sister drives home from Alabama to help prepare for his passing.
4. Aug. 18th. Less than 24 hrs later....
After 3 weeks in ICU, he is moved to step down unit.
5. Aug. 27th Day 23. I gave him a spoon to feed himself and he does.
6. I was giving him water with a spoon but decided it was time to see what else he could do. He drinks water from a cup pretty good for a man that wasn't supposed to make it out of a vegetative state.
He still cannot speak or stand or walk and his vision is still undetermined . He has a very long road ahead but the progress he has made has escalated our faith ten fold.