Update 7

Some positive news after 14 Days! Hopefully this is the start of a full recovery for Michael. Keep fighting NewAgeRipper Keep the prayers/positive vibes going!

If anyone has ever questioned their faith I can assure you my family's faith has been tested and questioned this past week.
We were told on Monday to start preparing for “end of life” for my brother who was injured in a freak accident on 8/4.
On Tuesday when I arrived, they said, “due to the extent of his brain injury, his only hope was a miracle because he has passed their time frame for improvement”.
On Wednesday we were told to bring him home on hospice to pass with family as he will have no quality of life and no chance of improving.
We wondered why God didn’t just take him so that we didn’t have to make this decision. We prepared ourselves for this and came to the hospital this morning to make all arrangements. When we arrived today, my brother was semi awake and faintly said "hi" through his trach and gave us a thumbs up! He then told us “bye”. We are still not sure what his future holds but by prayers and faith my brother may have a second chance. A lot still to be determined as we have yet to talk with his trauma team. Thank you all for any prayers because they have absolutely worked!