
First off I just want to say thank you to @NewAgeRipper for doing an excellent job on the tutorial and for the shout-out!

I'm ironing out some bug in the update and it should be released sometime this week for sure! I'm trying to make sure that all of my future releases can be universally run with no issues before releasing them. I've had some help from a gifted Python coder to help bring my vision for GUI to life and I'm VERY happy with the options we were able to add to make it the best!

To clarify, the stacked model was trained on pairs consisting of conversions of mixes and official instrumentals. The point was reduce the vocal pinches and audio static in some tracks. The model works best when a track is run through it more than once and that is where the "Stack Passes" option comes in. The amount of conversion passes needed to reduce the vocal pinches will vary from track to track.

Regarding the possibility of having an AI that keep background vocals for karaoke tracks - I'm not entirely sure how effective it would be considering how I would train the AI to keep them in. The results are not consistent enough. This is something that will need to be thoroughly tested and will require a lot most research.