Pre-warning, if you don't like bitter people moaning, don't read this self-absorbed bunch of shit.

So as you probably don't know, I was in the biggest dj competition evar. No really, you win $30 grand and play at festivals. It's been going on for months. I destroyed ass so far, but last night I got well and truly fucked in the ass.

There were 4 competitors. One guy used to work at the club so was best friends with the judges, and another guy was sat kissing the female judge all night. Guess which two got through.

I was much better, they just had simple A-B mixing between songs of the same genre and I was scratching and throwing in acapellas everywhere and played everything from house, rock hip hop and dub step and FUCK THEM THE BUNCH OF FUCKING AIDS INFESTED TITBURGERS.

If you're a DJ who only plays one genre then you're shit and boring. Fuck you and do something interesting.