so....it appears that CREDITS have now become the REPlacement for REPUTATION..

some of you may be REPelled and find this totally REPugnant and REPulsive,

only the future will tell what this REPresents..we have all been REPutable in the past
and good REPliers..so let's not feel REPressed or REPrimanded about this REPackaging..

we should all have the CREDentials to be CREDITworthy..

hopefully I am not REPeating myself with endless REPetition,
hopefully I am not REPeating myself with endless REPetition,
otherwise I can imagine big REPercussions..LOL..

hopefully anyone can REPly to this post without fear of being put on REPort..

and if anyone needs a REPrint of this article, I can't help you, my printer needs REPlacing

gillbates (SMART ARtiSt)