Anyone else looking forward to it?

I hope they make an album musically set between Minutes to Midnight and A Thousand Suns. To me Living Things lacked the Linkin Park feeling that I got from albums 1-4, I liked the electronics used but I feel they were too prominent.

The Hunting Party sounded like they tried too hard to make a Meteora sequel and made the album quite bland after a while, I mean the James Hetfield style acapella of War and Final Masquerade are the only songs that stand out to me.

Now I think Mike or Chester commented on the upcoming album, calling it "A Thousand Suns with guitars and screams". ATS is my 3rd favourite album, because of the keys and Chester's raps in Blackout, The Catalyst being one hell of an anthem, The Messenger has helped me through depressing times and the fact that Robot Boy wasn't released as a single shocks me.