Hello everyone. I admit I'm mostly a lurker who is only on once in awhile, but have donated here before because I love being able to work with multitracks and such. That said I am very grateful for those sections on here. However the problem is, with so many active and bumped threads, it can be incredibly difficult to try and figure out what's new and if I'm looking for certain songs in a certain time period (decade). The instrumental section is a good example, it's like the wild west in there.

What I would which would make things better organized would be to create subsections in there organized by time periods, like this:

- Oldies (Pre 80s)
- 1980s
- 1990s
- 2000s
- Now (2010+)

For me, I'm huge into the classic oldies stuff from the 50s, 60s, 70s, and 80s, but not at all into the stuff within the last 10 years. I can't tell you how much easier it would be to go through what's been posted/available if I could just check the section I was looking for instead of scanning page by page of results. The Instrumental, Acapella, and Track Stems section I think would all greatly benefit from this.

I also had one more question about the Track Stems and it's subsections.

There are track stem posts in that main section, but then there's also the studio stems subsection as well. What is the difference?