I understand what you wrote and agree that there are no magic acapella making techiques. But here's the situation. There have been really great DIYs posted lately. I contacted the OPs expecting at least some kind of info how they got such fantastic results (obviously not by using Utagoe, Knockout etc.). The replies? "Man, I use all kinds of techniques". You don't say?! I really don't understand this. Sharing knowledge would benefit EVERYBODY. I could, for example, improve some of my DIYs (that were cool to begin with, but could definitely sound better) and share with everbody here. Instead of that, there's no improvement, no evolution, nothing... Have you seen any new DIY tutorials recently? I haven't. The inverted phase, Utagoe, knockout and other techniques are years old. And new, better methods are kept in the dark (while DIYs produced with them are making rounds). But some day people will share such knowledge again. I hope... Cheers.