Well peeps

It used to be cubase

Now it's Logic Pro X


Because it is simply just logic!

Everything has been thought of here

Screen sharing to network computers hence remote access

A multitude of possibilities for integration with other displays especially with an iPad Pro and 3rd party app

The content that comes with it is phenomenal

Eqs are amazing

Compression options are great

Side chaining don't even start me!

Side chain a delay in a vocal bus with the dry vocal??? Try that out and see what happens, or synth group using the vocal to gently dip the levels of other sounds in your mix.

Midi plugins are awesome too, the chord trigger, arp and note repeat spring to mind.

Advanced settings, ability to distribute load to specific cpu cores and use virtual cores eh come on!

The list is endless.

Haven't even mentioned logic remote, network midi, or full touch control on iOS device

Logic and (**