I'm really glad I found this website, I never thought such a structured and respectful environment could exist on the web. I find the whole sharing\hepling aspect of this website very interresting and inspiring...I wish there was more forums like that! I won't lie though...when I first came here all I wanted is dowload stems or whatever I could get my hand on to make music but I guess I liked here so here I am. I haven't introduced myself! My artist name is Unik-Horn, I'm a music producer and a sound engineer(really am though :P I went to school and graduated...I did't learn how to mix and master with presets and youtube) even if I studied that domain, I still got a lot to learn... I mainly produce dubstep, drum and bass, electro or wtv else I feel like doing(you must be thinking ''of course'') yeah...I know but wait! before you judge, I strongly suggest that you go and listen for yourself...here's a link to my souncloud:


I don't really try to sound like anyone even though I catch myself making something sounding like other artists sometimes but who doesn't! I focus my work on creating something original and creating a vibe reflecting my emotions...one day I'll make crazy ass songs that just don't make sense and the other a really chill old school beat... I'm struggling trying to make a living out of my art and spin in local bars and raves(sometimes) to make a bit of money.. so anyways...if you really read the whole thing I say thank you! you're AWESOME! and to anyone that has feedback on my production, feel free to be very cruel and tell me what you think! I'm open minded and I can listen to constructive criticism just don't be an ass ;)

Hoping to hear from someone soon!

P.S. I really like helping out so anyone that has technical problems, with DAWs,plug-ins or music in general just ask me! I'll do ny best to help.