Hi all,
I just wanted to drop a line and say hi to all the folks in the community. I'm a former semi-pro musician who has recently started trying to get some fresh ideas out there again - primarily ITB-engineered, self-produced covers of older classics (from the 20's through the 70's) in the jazz/blues/soul creative space - though I try not to limit my options. Being frustrated with the typical approach to music in my local community these days (Santa Barbara used to be all about the arts and creative exploration) I decided to forego forming a traditional band and just track everything myself. I can play most instruments for what I want to do, but having absolutely zero drumming skills, began using samples and loops to build my base rhythm tracks. I got pretty good at that and then had the idea of fusing some of the modern dub/electronica techniques to tracks that had "classic" instrumentation tracks under them. I'm excited to spend some time in this like-minded community, share some stems and ideas and see where it goes. I'm extremely approachable, eager to broaden my horizons and super-willing to collaborate or share critiques. If you want to chat or know more, just PM me or look for the stuff I hope to be providing very soon. I looking forward to meeting you all!

--Mark aka Merzky Messels