Does anyone else here find it a little more than ironic that some people are very possessive and protective of THEIR rips, or THEIR rare content, or THEIR whatever, when in actual fact it's somebody else's? I'm not upset about a ratio, torrent sites usually require them, and that's fair. You can download, even with nothing to share, but you'll have to keep those links open and give back what you have been given. Here, not as easy, but still essentially the same.

What I'm talking about are those who are possessive of the content that they have to share, and they do everything in their power to make sure THEIR content is kept safe. But it's not THEIR content, it's SOMEONE ELSE'S! It's a weird paradigm when Lars Ulrich is a complete dickhead for trying to safeguard his art, and it is HIS ART. And we (some) are pissed to no end when our, ummm ... liberations, are leaked and become available. How dare they!

How can a thief condemn another thief? But they do.

And how can we knock artists, when we act the same way? Though our currency is their hard work?

Just a thought ... anyways CHEERS!!!