The name is Amyrakunejo, though Amy is sufficient.

I'm one of those very poor, mishap-ridden, can never get off the ground musicians that always puts out more effort than is returned, but at the very least, I care enough to give it my best!

I'm also many other things, a gamer, a gamedev, wannabe socialite, novice coder, beauty and fashion fanatic, among many other things that take up a lot of my time and my headspace.

I also have a severe disability that basically has me on a very limited and fixed income which is completely spent at the beginning of the month, barely covering rent, utilities, and sometimes, food for a month.

I actually rely a lot on the kindness of others to get by, and that's just the harsh reality of inability to work + inflation + cost of living increasing + bottom line dropping out, but hey! I'm still trying, at least. Yay...

No, I'm not always dull and depressing, but talk about certain topics and it does get dull and depressing, or rage-producing, depending on many factors.

Anyway, yeah. I'm a mess of things, but if you're interested in gaming talk, gamedev talk, music making, anything in that area of entertainment, drop me a line, but spare me the pick up lines; I'm spoken for.