Hi , looking for some views on what I notice with using backing (I usually use synth only ) tracks with live guitars/drums/vocals .

In a live rock band environment the live instruments will step all over the "produced" synth/backing track making it quite difficult to mix it in. I am guessing that this is due to the backing track being compressed, mastered etc. and the live instruments being more open sounding . The backing ends up sounding thin compared to the live instruments.

Most big rock tours have some backing tracks going on ................. would it be sensible to assume that they use the "unprocessed" stems from their recordings to mix in with the live instruments over the highly processed finished tracks ?

Or , is there a way of opening up the sound of the produced stems/tracks with EQ etc ? I realise that this will be the reverse of what most people on here are tying to achieve with their tracks but it would be an interesting and fun discussion for me anyway .