Heya guys I know I'm pretty distant on this site nowadays just been having internet issues and what little bandwidth vs. time i get is mainly to get upto date with everything label wise... speaking of which we're mulling over the idea of a remix comp using my 1st official remix 'oblivion' which was released on Digital Soundwurx a few years ago however the guys there have since screwed me over so I wanna get my own back by re-releasing oblivion on my current label 'White Noize Hardcore' which is owned by another LR member Darren G what I'm thinking is not restricting this to purely LR members but opening it up fully and doing a 4 track EP release where the top 3 tracks will feature along side my original... each of those 3 will get 20% of my cut from the label(so the better the remix the more it sells the more you get) ideally as its a hardcore label we're looking for styles such as UK Hardcore, Powerstomp, Makina, Gabba(if its good) but will accept any genre and take into consideration the judging method most likely will be by artists on the label already but as I say this is just an idea at the moment just wanted to see if anyone would be interested from here?
