Right I am posting here to see if anyone can shed any light on this crazy problem that has just decided to happen to me.

I consider myself an experienced user of this program,but I am really stumped with this....

OK,if I want to process an audio file,either sample or vocal,the normal procedure is make sure the file is selected,click audio,then process,then whatever audio process one wishes to apply (ie time stretch,reverse.....etc)

The problem I am having is that no audio process will work whatsoever and it is driving me nuts!

There is a preview button and if I press this I can hear the process I am applying,and how it will sound,but as soon as I hit the process button nothing happens.

There is very little on the web about it,tried all the usual crap like defaulting preferences,loading other projects where my process's worked but to no avail.Its all fucked up ah huh huh.

Any ideas anyone?