Hi guys.

I recently discovered the stem isolator Spleeter. Which is somewhat complicated to get running as it's designed for programmers to install. Shortly after, I discovered EZStems, a web interface using the Spleeter engine. By the time I had installed it locally, I had uploaded and downloaded a 5 stem mix down, on my below average internet connection. :)

EZStems is pretty good as it offers up to 320 quality mp3 as well as wav, unlike other online converters. Though it would make sense to offer flac over wav, unless they used compression. Of course the final output audio quality is dependant on the resulting filter process.

It offers a 2 track, 4 track and 5 track stem breakdown. Consisting of the usual vocals, bass, drums, piano and others. It sounds fine when played together. But isolated still has that weird filtered effect. It can be trained so with more work it could actually do well. Though it's limited from trying to separate milk from a shake all mixed up in a musicshake. :D

Check it out here: