Conversation Between dydysss and gillbates

2 Visitor Messages

  1. not offended..just make sure you do a thorough search before
    you post..keep posting and enjoy your time here..I wish I had
    a dollar for all the mistakes I've made on here since I joined

    cheers, gill
  2. Hi gillbates,
    I am pretty sure I did a search as I always do before I upload it to see if there have been any posts that are already available on LR in order not to waste my time uploading stems that are available on LR. Were your thread or links dead? Because I didn't see it or may have missed it, but since your title thread is well described, I don't see how I could have missed that post?

    I know how it may seem like I am trying to get more points but that is far from the truth. I have more than enough LR points that would last me a long time. My post history should give a good indication that I posts stuff from KV which I have bought and are not available at time of posting.

    I will take down the Seal KV post immediately since you already have it on LR. If you are offended in any way because of my recent posts, please accept my apologies. I have no intention of posting stuff that are already available on LR.

    Please let me know if there are any problems. Cheers.
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